Playmobil » Sets » Leisure » 6574 - Angle pond

Playmobil 6574 - Estanque para pescar

Playmobil - 6574 - Estanque para pescar

Angle pond
Estanque para pescar
Ilot de pêche
Serie: (94 sets)
Formato (1364 sets)
Lanzamiento: (479 sets)
Descatalogado: (no disponible)
Exclusivo: ninguno (¿error?)
Licencias: ninguno (¿error?)
Figuras: (no disponible)
PlayTags: (no disponible)

2 votos, promedio: 3,50 de 52 votos, promedio: 3,50 de 52 votos, promedio: 3,50 de 52 votos, promedio: 3,50 de 52 votos, promedio: 3,50 de 5 3,50/5(2) You need to be a registered member to rate

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  1. I wanted to love this set, but it’s missing a lot of the charm and creativity of 6816. I bought this instead because I mainly correct forest and fantasy items, but 6818 was definitely a better choice and I wish I had bought that instead. There’s just something missing about this box even though it is generally cheaper. Just get the fishing pond– I ended up buying the creative pieces one by one on eBay and paying the same after all was said and done. That said, the sycamore tree is fantastic and I wish I had twelve. So, if you want one, perhaps get this!

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