Playmobil » Sets » Princess » 70107-usa - Tragekoffer mit Einhorn und Prinzessin

Playmobil 70107-usa - Princess Unicorn Carry Case

Playmobil - 70107-usa - Princess Unicorn Carry Case

Princess Unicorn Carry Case
(no disponible)
Tragekoffer mit Einhorn und Prinzessin
Valisette Princesses avec licorne
Serie: (259 sets)
Formato (173 sets)
Lanzamiento: (492 sets)
Descatalogado: (no disponible)
Exclusivo: ninguno (¿error?)
Licencias: (481 sets)
Figuras: 2

3 votos, promedio: 3,33 de 53 votos, promedio: 3,33 de 53 votos, promedio: 3,33 de 53 votos, promedio: 3,33 de 53 votos, promedio: 3,33 de 5 3,33/5(3) You need to be a registered member to rate

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  1. I’m very confused as to why there’s a fence as a prop in this set. Do the royalty of the Playmoverse keep unicorns for pets on their castle grounds? It’s so boring! Though, I would believe that, given the last few years of releases, there are enough unicorns to go around. The Klickies themselves are nice enough and it comes with plenty of bits and bobs, but it’s missing that storytelling edge so many sets include.

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