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Revision #4
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    Hello together ,

    the exclusive set "Martin Luther" is in three different packages available.

    Number 1 :

    Set 6099 V1 :  letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in english with the words                             "in the beginning was the word"

    Set 6099 V2 ; letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang war das Wort"

    Set 9325 ; letter on the golden book without the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang war das Wort"

    click this photo, you see all three packages


    Hello together ,

    the exclusive set "Martin Luther" is in three different packages available.

    Set 6099 V1 :  letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in english with the words                             "in the beginning was the word"

    Set 6099 V2 ; letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang war das Wort"

    Set 9325 ; letter on the golden book without the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang war das Wort"

    click this photo, you see all three packages

Revision #3
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  • Content:        

    Hello together ,

    the exclusive set "Martin Luther" is in three different packages available.

    Number 1 :

    Set 6099 V1 :  letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in english with the words                             "in the beginning was the word"

    Set 6099 V2 ; letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang stand das Wort"

    Set 9325 ; letter on the golden book without the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang stand das Wort"

    click this photo, you see all three packages


    Hello together ,

    the exclusive set "Martin Luther" is in three different packages available.

    Number 1 :

    Set 6099 V1 :  letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in english with the words                             "in the beginning was the word"

    Set 6099 V2 ; letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang war das Wort"

    Set 9325 ; letter on the golden book without the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang war das Wort"

    click this photo, you see all three packages

Revision #2
von -
  • Content:        

    Hello together ,

    the exclusive set "Martin Luther" is in three different packages available.

    Number 1 :

    Set 6099 V1 :  letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in english with the words                             "in the beginning was the word"

    Set 6099 V2 ; letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang stand das Wort"

    Set 9325 ; letter on the golden book without the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang stand das Wort"


    Hello together ,

    the exclusive set "Martin Luther" is in three different packages available.

    Number 1 :

    Set 6099 V1 :  letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in english with the words                             "in the beginning was the word"

    Set 6099 V2 ; letter on the golden book with the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang stand das Wort"

    Set 9325 ; letter on the golden book without the word "Ende" and the letter on the package are in german with the words                       "Am Anfang stand das Wort"

    click this photo, you see all three packages

Revision #1
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