Playmobil 4128 - Duo Pack Princess and Magical Fairy
Duo Pack Princess and Magical Fairy
Duo Pack Hada y Princesa
Duo Pack Prinzessin und Zauber-Fee
Duo Pack Princesse et fée Theme:Fairies(209 sets) Format:Duo Pack(123 sets) Released:2011(269 sets) Discontinued:2013(139 sets) Exclusive:
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3.60/5(5) You need to be a registered member to rate
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A nice, uncomplicated set with some unusual trappings. It’s short, it’s sweet, you can use it to tell a story and it doesn’t oversell its welcome. If you need some background figures, this is a good bet.
A nice, uncomplicated set with some unusual trappings. It’s short, it’s sweet, you can use it to tell a story and it doesn’t oversell its welcome. If you need some background figures, this is a good bet.