Playmobil 5233 - Deinonychus and Velociraptors klickypedia 2024-05-29T19:39:52+00:00 Write Your Review Correct or Edit this Set View History 0 Deinonychus and Velociraptors Velociraptors con Exploradora Velociraptor-Angriff auf Deinonychusnest (n/a) Theme: Dinosaur Expedition (105 sets) Format: Standard Box (6456 sets) Released: 2012 (317 sets) Discontinued: 2014 (235 sets) Exclusive: none (wrong?) Export Market: none (wrong?) Figures: 1 Instruction Manual animals plants-rocks prehistoric animals professions wild animals 4.25/5(4) You need to be a registered member to rateLoading... Add to my Collection (not logged)Add to my Wishlist (not logged)Add to my Trade List (not logged) Deutsch HinweiseDie bewaffnete Forscherin beobachtet den gefährlichen Kampf um die Eier im Riesen-Baumstumpf aus sicherer Entfernung.