Playmobil 80552-ger - Playmobil-Magazin Girls 5/2014 (Heft 12) playmobilacek 2023-07-26T00:05:53+00:00 Write Your Review Correct or Edit this Set View History 0 Playmobil-Magazin Girls 5/2014 (Heft 12) Playmobil-Magazin Girls 5/2014 (Heft 12) Playmobil-Magazin Girls 5/2014 (Heft 12) Playmobil-Magazin Girls 5/2014 (Heft 12) Theme: Christmas (127 sets) Format: Magazin (1691 sets) Released: 2014 (400 sets) Discontinued: 2014 (235 sets) Exclusive: Playmobil Magazin Girls (37 sets) Export Market: Germany (1664 sets) Figures: 1 PlayTags: (n/a) 4.00/5(2) You need to be a registered member to rateLoading... Add to my Collection (not logged)Add to my Wishlist (not logged)Add to my Trade List (not logged) English NotesWith Angel of Christmas figure (30792273) Deutsch HinweiseMit Engel der Weihnacht-Figur (30792273)