A nice small rowing boat and a chest filled with silver, that is what this set is about. At the time, I didn’t know what the pole was which this pirate was carrying.
It may sound strange, but I had more fun playing with this small item than with the big pirate ship (which my father eventually sold as I did not play with it. He already suspected that I wouldn’t, before giving it as a birthday present). I remember from the big boat that it was annoying that the cannons where not below deck, as they should have been given the pictures I saw in books. I wanted to make holes in the hull to get the cannons below deck. My dad obviously said no to this idea.
Anyway, I liked this set very much. The strange thing is, I have a brown boat. I remember being happy about that as boats should not be yellow (in my child’s opinion). I am not sure if I have the blue hat correct. Also I painted the lamp myself (I’ll try to clean it up).
This set offers great play value, with the map, the boat, the tools and the treasure set! Nice pirate too, Captain Blood or Red Pirate are good names for him. Very nice to read about your memories!
Thanks Martenmelin!