Playmobil 5072-usa - NHL® Boston Bruins® Goalie Yeiti 2021-12-18T08:14:21+00:00 Write Your Review Correct or Edit this Set View History 0 NHL® Boston Bruins® Goalie (n/a) NHL® Boston Bruins®-Goalie (n/a) Theme: Sports (391 sets) Format: Blister (576 sets) Released: 2015 (437 sets) Discontinued: (n/a) Exclusive: NHL (76 sets) Export Market: USA (Playmobil) (482 sets) Figures: 1 Instruction Manual hockey 3.00/5(1) You need to be a registered member to rateLoading... Add to my Collection (not logged)Add to my Wishlist (not logged)Add to my Trade List (not logged) English NotesNHL, the NHL Shield and the word mark and image of the Stanley Cup are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League. All NHL logos and marks and NHL team logos and marks depicted aquíin are the property of the NHL and the respective teams and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of NHL Enterprises, L.P. © NHL 2015. All Rights Reserved.