Playmobil 19064 - XXL Lechuza Gardener Woman Sunflower edition anakinbetrayal 2024-06-28T19:30:02+00:00 Write Your Review Correct or Edit this Set View History 0 XXL Lechuza Gardener Woman Sunflower edition (n/a) XXL-Gärtnerin Sonnenblume XXL Lechuza Jardinière Tournesol Theme: Merchandise (1270 sets) Format: Decoration toy (130 sets) Released: 2022 (456 sets) Discontinued: (n/a) Exclusive: Lechuza (29 sets) Export Market: none (wrong?) Figures: 1 crafting professions 0.00/5(0) You need to be a registered member to rateLoading... Add to my Collection (not logged)Add to my Wishlist (not logged)Add to my Trade List (not logged) Deutsch HinweiseZum Dekorieren. Die Gärtnerin ist 62,5 cm groß und ist, wie andere PLAYMOBIL-Figuren, voll beweglich. Nicht UV-beständig.