Playmobil 6306 - Victorian Advertising Pillar Anamonov 2024-06-19T12:49:43+00:00 Write Your Review Correct or Edit this Set View History 0 Victorian Advertising Pillar (n/a) Litfaßsäule Colonne Morris Theme: Victorian (205 sets) Format: DS (1371 sets) Released: 2012 (317 sets) Discontinued: (n/a) Exclusive: none (wrong?) Export Market: none (wrong?) Figures: (n/a) Instruction Manual accessories 4.25/5(4) You need to be a registered member to rateLoading... Add to my Collection (not logged)Add to my Wishlist (not logged)Add to my Trade List (not logged) Deutsch HinweiseHöhe: 17 cm Ø: 7 cm